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An important warning to refugees about scammers, and a request to UNHCR

In the last period, we have monitored many comments on our pages and the pages of organisations working and interested in refugee issues in Egypt and other posts on refugee groups in Egypt from people claiming to facilitate resettlement procedures or facilitate the issuance of travel visas to countries such as the USA, Canada, the Netherlands and other countries. Many refugees fall into the trap of these fake posts and accounts because of the difficult conditions that refugees suffer from in Egypt at all levels – which we documented with several refugees.

Accordingly, we would like to note that these advertisements are nothing but fraud and exploitation of the refugees’ needs, as it is not possible to submit a request for resettlement in any form through intermediaries, and that the only body entrusted with considering requests for resettlement is UNHCR through its office In Egypt and its identified and announced partners, including receiving and considering applications, conducting interviews, nominating applications and other procedures for moving resettlement files. We also warn against providing any money to anyone who claims to facilitate applications or interfere in any stage of the procedures where there are no fees or expenses owed to any third party. In addition, resettlement applicants cannot choose or specify the resettlement country.

Do not believe anyone who claims that they can submit or facilitate an application for resettlement in exchange for money, it is a fraud. If anyone contacts you or sends a message in this regard, please report fraud cases to UNHCR Egypt by sending an email to the following address: [email protected].

In the same regard, the “Refugees Platform in Egypt” monitored and documented severe difficulties in the process of communicating with the UNHCR office in Egypt, as refugees cannot quickly reach the office’s staff in its various departments, whether by phone or through email. In addition to the long time required to obtain an appointment to complete any procedure or transaction, which makes it easier for fraudsters to take advantage of refugees and puts them in dangerous situations. We urge UNHCR Egypt to improve the means of communication with refugees to facilitate the reception of requests, complaints, proposals, and inquiries and to respond to them as soon as possible.

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