Free Medical Services at the Egyptian Red Crescent Center in Ard El Lewa
The Egyptian Red Crescent Service Center in Ard El Lewa announces the provision of free medical services for all nationalities, in the following specialties:
- Tuesday: Pediatrics and Internal Medicine
- Thursday: Women’s Health and Orthopedic
- A doctor specializing in gynecology with an ultrasound machine to monitor pregnancy is also available
Working Hours: From 11 AM to 2 PM
Please come with your any form of identification or documentation, as all nationalities will be examined and treated for free.
Clinic Address: 19 Dr. El Sebaei Street, which extends from Mu’tamadiya’s main road near Al-Liwa Medical Pharmacy next to the corridor of Ard Al-Liwa’s back side.
Risala Association Offers Free Excel Course for Novices
Rasala Society, through the RTC team, announces the introduction of one of the most powerful Microsoft Excel courses entitled: ‘MS Excel From Zero to Hero’. Microsoft Excel is one of the most important spreadsheet software programs used in all fields and companies, as most rely on it to execute calculation tasks and organize data.
The Course Content Includes:
- Introduction to Excel
- Identifying the Most Important Shortcuts
- How to Create Tables Professionally
- Apply Complex Mathematical Formulas
- Excel’s Many Applications
Course Dates:
Days: Saturdays and Wednesdays.
Interview Date: September 19, 2024, at 8 p.m.
Course Start Date: September 21, 2024, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Number of Lectures: 23
The course and the interview will be held online using Zoom.
The course is completely free of charge.
To Register, Please Use the Following Link: [Registration]
Training Course for Alexandria Law Students on Asylum and Immigration Laws
The Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Support (EFRR), in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), is organizing a training course for third and fourth year students at the Faculty of Law at Alexandria University. The course aims to familiarize students with international laws related to asylum and migration, in addition to clarifying rights and responsibilities of host countries.
The Egyptian Refugee Support Foundation works to strengthen the legal protection of displaced people, asylum seekers, and refugees by facilitating access to administrative justice, providing legal advice on basic rights, as well as educating members of the legal profession on laws affecting refugees in Africa and the Middle East.
To Register for the Course, Please Fill out the Form Using the Following Link: