September 12, 2024

Egypt: Release Mohamed Adel, as Activist’s Health Deteriorates in Detention
The undersigned human rights organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately release political activist Mohamed Adel, and to comply with their duty to protect his life and health, now in

Egypt: Release Mohamed Adel, as Activist’s Health Deteriorates in Detention
The undersigned human rights organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately release political activist Mohamed Adel, and to comply with their duty to protect his life and health, now in

NGOs voice fears for dozens of Egyptian prisoners, and hundreds of others, facing execution for drugs-related offenses in Saudi Arabia
We, the undersigned organisations, are gravely fearful for the lives of hundreds of prisoners threatened with imminent execution in Saudi Arabia on drugs-related charges, including 33 Egyptians on a single

Human Rights Organizations Warn of High Numbers of Executions and Escalating Violations Against Drug Convicts, Including More Than 30 Egyptians in Tabuk Prison
The undersigned organizations are extremely concerned for the lives of hundreds of prisoners threatened with execution in Saudi Arabia on drug charges, including 33 Egyptians in one ward of Tabuk