
The advocacy team works to submit reports of human rights violations to relevant international organizations and institutions and to submit UN complaints to the United Nations. Designing media advocacy campaigns for the issues we are working on, writing data, holding meetings with networks, common stakeholders, relevant actors and decision-makers, as well as providing reporting, research or analytical inputs on the situation and developments to the concerned institutions and experts concerned with the human rights situation.

And since the platform is part of the Egyptian human rights movement, we work alongside Egyptian human rights organizations, both at home and abroad, to advocate for our common and intersecting issues.


First Italian Navy Ship with Migrants of Egyptian and non-Egyptian Descent Arrives in Albania for Deportation

Carrying 16 migrants from Egypt and Bangladesh, Italian navy ship Libra arrived at Albania’s  Port Shengjin after a 36-hour voyage. After the vessel reached the port and the migrants had arrived, Italian authorities denied journalists the ability to access the port.  After arriving, the migrants were registered at facilities set up by the Italian authorities...

Events and Developments for Displaced People (October 6, 2021: October 12, 2024)

Displaced People: Any person, or people, who migrates from one place to another for relatively long periods of time and is in need of basic standards of protection. Among displaced persons, you may find: political refugees, asylum seekers, uprooted people, undocumented individuals, climate refugees, diasporic people, forced migrants, and more.   Egypt Egypt deports Sudanese...

نشرة أخبار الخدمات من 4 أكتوبر حتى 11 أكتوبر 2024

مشروع دعم سبل المعيشة للمشاريع الصغيرة فى مطروح من كاريتاس  أعلنت جمعية كاريتاس مصر بالإسكندرية، من خلال مشروع دعم سبل المعيشة، عن فتح باب التقديم للحصول على منحة لبدء مشروع صغير في محافظة مرسى مطروح. تهدف هذه المنحة إلى دعم الأفراد الطامحين لإنشاء مشاريعهم الخاصة، وفقًا لمجموعة من الشروط التي يجب توافرها في المتقدمين. تشمل...
