فريق عمل منصة اللاجئين في مصر
In a Message to the RPE, Refugee Communities in Egypt: No Response to Our Calls
A recorded message received from refugee communities in Egypt on their current living conditions, published by the Refugees Platform in Egypt (RPE) as received: Most refugees in Egypt are

L’Egitto non è un paese di origine o di transito sicuro per il rimpatrio di egiziani/e e migranti. Perché respingiamo la decisione del governo italiano di considerare l’Egitto un paese sicuro?
Il 5 giugno scorso, la 'Piattaforma dei Rifugiati in Egitto', insieme a 40 organizzazioni della società civile, ha espresso in una dichiarazione congiunta la sua profonda preoccupazione per la decisione

Egypt is Not a Safe Country of Origin or Transit for Returning Egyptians and Migrants Why We Reject the Italian Government’s Decision to Consider Egypt a Safe Country
On June 5th, the Refugees Platform in Egypt (RPE), along with 40 civil society organizations, expressed in a joint statement their deep concern over Italy's decision to classify the Arab

The Sudanese Under Fire: Armed Conflict, Closed Borders, & Deadly Heat
The Sudanese Under Fire: Armed Conflict, Closed Borders, & Deadly Heat Latest Update: 51 burial permits have been issued. The number is expected to rise. 51 Sudanese fatalities have been