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“My Arrest by Egyptian Authorities Violates the 1951 Geneva Convention”: Egyptian Authorities Deport Director of “African Refugee Rights” to Rwanda a Week After His Abduction

Photo Source: Djasnan Alfred Vamus - via Facebook Profile
Photo Source: Djasnan Alfred Vamus - via Facebook Profile

The Refugees Platform in Egypt (RPE) confirmed that the Egyptian authorities have deported Chadian activist and human rights defender, Djasnan Alfred Camus, on the evening of May 22nd, 2023, to Rwanda, after he refused forced repatriation to Chad. Camus announced via his Facebook account on May 23rd his arrival in “Kigali,” reassuring the public that he is in good health, and expressing gratitude to the organizations, activists, and supporters who called on the Egyptian authorities to release him, affirming that his abduction in Egypt violates the 1951 Geneva Convention. He also said he will later clarify the circumstances and details of his abduction and detention in Egypt.

On May 17th of last year, the RPE issued a statement announcing Camus’s reported abduction by plainclothes armed individuals. The RPE explained in its statement that he disappeared without any information about his whereabouts or his detention in Egypt, expressing concern for his life and demanding that the Egyptian authorities quickly disclose his fate and protect his life. It also urged in its statement the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to intervene and bring an end to the violations against Mr. Camus, given that he is a registered refugee with them and a well-known community leader and activist.

The Egyptian authorities had arrested the Chadian refugee and human rights defender, Djasnan Alfred Camus, the director of the “African Refugee Rights Initiative,” on May 15th, 2023, after the initiative posted two publications on its Facebook page regarding protests organized by groups of refugees and asylum seekers with physical disabilities in front of the building of the UNHCR in the city of Sixth of October. 

They raised banners demanding that the UNHCR provide them with medical treatment, housing, permanent and stable assistance suitable for their situations, and review their cases. Mr. Camus was then abducted the following day from his home and taken in a car to an unknown location, according to the report published by the RPE.

The RPE had documented Mr. Alfred’s appearance at the sixth of October police department four days after his disappearance, during which he managed to communicate with his lawyer and family before the security authorities issued a deportation order against him. However, Alfred and his lawyer did not receive the order and were unable to appeal against it.

It is noteworthy that Egypt is a party to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, after signing and ratifying its Protocol Supplementary, which prohibits the expulsion, return, or deportation of refugees and asylum seekers.

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